
FAQ Videos: How Video Marketing Can Improve User Experience

Marketing tips

Agnieszka Jania



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There's no denying that good communication is the very foundation of every relationship between a company and its customers. But for most businesses, being available 24/7 to answer pressing questions and address potential issues is simply not an option. Does this mean that your customers can only get the answers they need from you during business hours? Or worse—choose a larger company with round-the-clock customer service and support teams? Of course not!

Thanks to your website and social media profiles, you can create a reliable and readily available at any time knowledge base for anyone interested in your products or services. And one of the most effective tools you can use is a FAQ video.

What is a FAQ video? How to use it? And which customer questions should it answer? In this article, we'll take a close look at how FAQ videos can help your business grow and how to get the most out of them.

What Are FAQ Videos?

What Are FAQ Videos?

Most websites you visit, both business and non-profit, have FAQ pages where you can find answers to the most commonly asked questions quickly and in one place. A FAQ video offers the same information but in the form of a video, which is more appealing to consumers used to short video and animated content popular on many social media platforms.

But adding videos to your FAQ page is just one of the available options. The same type of content can have other uses as well.

Where Can You Use FAQ Videos?

  • Use video content on your FAQ page. FAQ videos can either replace or coexist with written answers to your customers' most common questions. However, a well-optimized and informative FAQ page can do more than just answer questions from your potential and existing customers. It can help you build your brand image, save your customer service employees' time and even increase revenue. With high-quality video and animated content, achieving such results is much easier.
  • Add videos to marketing emails. If you want your email marketing campaign to be effective, your emails must be compelling enough to elicit a response. But first, you need to find a way to entice recipients to read them. And sending a long block of text can have the opposite effect. By using a FAQ video instead, you can convey the same message quicker and in a much more engaging way.
  • Create informative social media content. Social media platforms are currently one of the most popular communication channels between companies and customers. With FAQ videos tailored to the needs of their users, you can build long-term relationships with your existing customers and interest new ones in your products and/or services.
  • Add FAQ videos to your product pages. Product descriptions can do just that—describe your products. But a FAQ video can actually show them, explain how they work and highlight their uses and benefits. This type of content is much more compelling and can be very effective when it comes to converting visitors into paying customers of your online store.
  • Enhance your employee onboarding process. While FAQ videos are a great marketing tool, they can be a valuable addition to your company's internal communication and onboarding processes as well. For example, you can create videos for new employees with important and frequently asked questions answered by their more experienced colleagues instead of arranging in-person meetings. This way, you'll give them resources they can go back to whenever they need to clarify something. In addition, the rest of your team will be able to focus on other tasks instead of answering the same questions every time you hire someone new.

Are FAQ Videos More Effective Than Text?

Over the years and during many research projects, it has been proven that human brains are much better at processing visual information than text. That's why marketing videos have so much potential. Video and animated content can showcase the same information as written content but gives you more creative freedom to make your message easier to understand, more engaging, more convincing, and, last but not least, more effective.

How Many FAQ Videos Do You Need?

There are no right or wrong answers to this question. In the end, the number of videos you need depends solely on your needs and goals. Remember that FAQ videos serve a specific purpose. They should be informative, precise, and up-to-date. Your customers want quick and accurate answers, so creating shorter videos for each question instead of one long FAQ video with all your answers is a much better option.

Alternatively, you can also group answers related to the same topic together. As long as you keep your videos from getting overly long and make sure that the answers are easy to find, both ways can result in an amazing FAQ video.

How to Create an Effective FAQ Video

How to Create an Effective FAQ Video

Choose the Right Questions

To be effective, your FAQ video must provide the answers people are actually looking for. This means that choosing the right questions to include in such videos is absolutely essential and should be your very first step.

Luckily, finding them isn't difficult. In reality, you and your team probably already know these questions pretty well. Think about the things your customers frequently ask about your brand, products, and services both before and after buying anything from your offer.

Another great way to learn what people want to know about your company is to ask them directly. You can use customer satisfaction surveys or use the power of social media to start a conversation with your followers and find out more about their doubts and expectations.

Plan Your FAQ Videos

Now that you know which frequently asked questions you want to answer, it's time to plan the production process. First, you need to estimate your budget and choose the type of video you want to create. How many videos do you need? Do you want live-action or animated videos? How and where are you going to produce them? These are all important questions that should be answered at this stage.

But remember that FAQ videos, just like product videos, explainer videos, or marketing videos, are part of your brand image and influence how your customers see you. Low-quality content can make your business seem unprofessional.

If you want to shoot videos yourself in the office, make sure you have the equipment you need (such as a camera, microphone, lighting, etc.) ready before the shooting day. But if you'd rather leave the task of producing your FAQ videos to experts, e.g., an animation studio, it's important to start planning early as well. Creating quality content takes time, and professional services are in high demand, so contact your chosen studio in advance to make the necessary arrangements.

Draft a FAQ Video Script

You know the answers to your customers' questions, but do you know the best way to answer these questions? The same information can be presented in various ways, and the drafting stage can help you find the most effective one.

Write your answers down and try to look at them from the perspective of someone who doesn't know your business as well as you do. Are they informative enough? Is there any way to make them clearer or explain something in simpler words? Take your time to analyze each answer and create a FAQ video script that will present your message in a concise, memorable, and engaging way.

Create High-Quality Video Content

After all the planning, it's time to create your first FAQ video. Turning your vision into reality is the most challenging step. Many things can go wrong, and solutions that seem great on paper don't always look the same on the screen. That's why getting help from experts is recommended, especially if you don't have much experience creating this type of content. They can complete this task faster and offer many helpful tips and ideas thanks to their expertise.

Investing in professional video and animation services is the easiest way to create an amazing FAQ video that will not only answer the most common questions but also wow your customers.

What Are the Benefits of FAQ Videos?

  • FAQ videos can boost sales. Between finding a product and deciding to buy it, consumers look for information about its usefulness and quality, among others. If they have to leave your website to find it, there's no guarantee that they will come back to you instead of going to your competitors. With a FAQ video, it's possible to address any potential doubts and questions right away and, as a result, increase the chance that a visitor will decide to make a purchase.
  • Improved customer satisfaction. By giving customers easy access to the answers they are looking for, you help them solve their problems quickly. This means they do not need to contact your customer service or support team or wait until your business hours to acquire the information they need.
  • Video content is more compelling and engaging. Videos are not only much better at grabbing the attention of your target audience than text but are also more memorable and can present even complex ideas in a simplified and easy-to-understand way. Creating FAQ videos is a great option for answering simple questions and explaining more nuanced aspects of your products and services.

Consider Animated FAQ Videos to Stand Out!

At Pigeon Studio, we have the necessary tools and know-how to create one-of-a-kind, compelling, and engaging animated FAQ videos tailored to your needs. Many years of working with companies from various industries have taught us how important it is to approach each project individually. We always take into account your wishes and preferences because our goal is to find the voice and style that best represent your business. You can count on our help and professionalism during every step of the production process. Contact us and let us know what we can do for you!

About the author

Agnieszka Jania

Client Relations Specialist

Client Relations Specialist in Pigeon Studio - animation production company

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