Loads of genuine content

Sure, some sell plywood disguised as marble. But that’s not the point. Instead, consider this: we identify what’s moving in your proposition and then elevate it in the form of riveting, unscrollable content. Come on

Here’s a selection of what we can produce together

Animated Marketing Video Production

Use our creative animations to tell great stories about your business - get the attention your company deserves!

Video For Business

As your company grows, and you start to offer more products and services, it is crucial to follow up with an extensive and engaging marketing campaign, that will spread the word about your brand and generate the leads that you need to reach your financial goals.

Training Video Production

From employee training videos to product demo videos and educational videos, animated video content can help you get your message across and inform, inspire, and educate viewers to become the best version of themselves.

Commercial Video Production

The level of detail and commitment of the people from Pigeon Studio shows that they can do great things for the most critical players in the market.

Explainer Video Production

Creating a unique, custom explainer video production that helps you connect with your audience. Studio Pigeon has the ability to simplify complex ideas and make people engage with content.

Corporate Video Production

At Pigeon Studio, we specialize in creating engaging corporate videos that can impact a wide audience and spread the message behind your business through all relevant channels. With years of experience in animated video production, we know the industry in and out and can deliver high-quality animated content tailored to your company's needs!

Our ways

In terms of technical norms, one could say that a single second of animation is worth more than 24,000 words. Perhaps this is why it works. In collaboration, we’ll find out what works best—what to adopt or adapt—and arrive at an agile, customised process to boost your message

1. Briefing kick-off call
Let's talk about your goals, expectations, brand, and vision. We'll listen, you'll speak. Every piece of information: mood, content, needs, goals, and target audience helps us communicate your product, service and idea in an appealing, understandable, and aesthetic way through the animation.
2. Script
The script is crucial - we keep it short and simple to convey the right message to the right audience. There is also a picture description of what is happening in addition to the voiceover text. We are still relying on your imagination, but we will begin drawing in the next step.
3. Storyboard
A storyboard looks like a comic book, doesn't it? It's a visual representation of the script scene by scene.As it's black and white, let's focus on the frames rather than the details. By now, you know how the camera movement and frame composition are planned.
4. Music & Voice-Over
As is the case with the soundtrack, the featured human voice must fit in with everything else—accent and timbre play an important role. Male or female? Young or mature? Sounding serious or enthusiastic? We have resources for any effect you wish to achieve.
5. Key Illustration
A full-colour keyframe, the key illustration defines the style of the entire production. Perhaps you expected something else in respect of the characters or the colour palette? If so, now is the time to provide such feedback.
6. Animatic/stillomatic
These are video sequences demonstrating the expression of our animation. Displaying the pace of what your audiences will see, they also offer a preview of the climax. The clip combines pictures with voice-over, and usually includes music. This is the first time that moving images are presented to you with sound.
7. Ilustrations
The illustrations can finally begin! With designed items, characters, and backgrounds, you can see how your story unfolds. We will breathe life into these images very soon.
8. Animations
Magic happens when all elements begin to interact and take on a life of their own. The final pace of the animation and transitions between the scenes happen at this stage. Our animators put their hearts into bringing the still frames to life so the message is perfectly delivered to your audience.
9. Sound post-production
Now you can not only see but also hear your story clearly! As of now, you'll hear more than just a gentle hum in the voice over! In addition, there will be various knocking, taping, or splashing (depending on what the animation shows). The end product will be the final render of the animation with chosen music track completing the overall tone
10. Final render
Last piece of the puzzles - putting all those things together: animation + final sound mix = FINAL RENDER.

You can learn even more from our process presentation

Let’s get to know each other! You can even start a project right away

Appreciated! We’re on it—you’ll hear back from us soon

And if there’s anything you’d like to add, please do so using our Contact page

Decided on making something of yours into compelling content? Need a quote, or an estimate? Want to meet? Ping us!

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