
2022: Review Of The Year

News and others

Agnieszka Jania


2 minutes

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As the new year begins, let's review the past year.

We were thinking about adding this post a lot. Considering 2022 was a difficult year for the world, we wonder if it's okay for us to share our good memories. It is not our intention to brag about our team, but we just wanted to thank them for doing such an excellent job, despite the challenges.

So… Starting from the beginning:

  • we changed our branding completely and made a new website,
  • we hired a few people to our team (yeah!),
  • we made many amazing projects for our clients (e.g., Honda)
  • and three of them were awarded at the Polish Graphic Design contest (3x main prizes and 1x special prize!),
Dawid and Rafał at the Polish Graphic Design contest
  • two small pigeons were born,
Our CEO Martyna with her little Pigeon
  • our Aga got married, 
  • we had an incredible company trip to the mountains,
A few shots from our trip
  • our animators participated in prestigious animator competitions,
  • we’ve been recognized as one of the Top 1000 Global Companies in 2022 by Clutch,
  • Clutch 2022 B2B Leaders also named us in many creative categories (2D animation, Visual Effects, Video Production, Corporate Videos and 3D Animation)
  • and to celebrate the whole year, we had a Christmas dinner together.

Well, as the poet said... <OK, just put your favourite motivational quote here>.

We are thankful for the Pigeon team's hard work and for our client's trust. Best wishes for the new year!

About the author

Agnieszka Jania

Client Relations Specialist

Client Relations Specialist in Pigeon Studio - animation production company

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