

Pigeon Studio

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2,5D Animation

2,5D Animation

2.5D is a type of 2D animation where flat objects are placed in a three-dimensional area. Usually used during the production of computer games, it also works while showing the side profile of a character. At Pigeon Studio we know that convexity is sometimes a must in order to achieve a cool effect. 2.5D animation is always used when images created by us need elements, causing a three-dimensional sense. Crafty graphic artists at Studio Pigeon use it constantly when wanting to trick the eyes of the viewer. Thanks to 2.5D animation, flat images cause a three-dimensional feeling.

2D animation

2D animation

A classical two-dimensional animation, it works great in typography and printing. It is also great for explainer videos, music videos, and commercials. There are arguments that it loses to 3D, however, there is nothing like it, after all that's how Disney began, and you can't argue with the classics. 2D animation concept art begins in the imaginations of our team, during night or day hours, then as a storyboard, it lands on paper and finally ends up in a program.

3D animation

3D animation

A three-dimensional animation that causes us to feel a sense of the objects we watch on the screen to be around us. In contrary to popular belief, it has a lot in common with 2D graphics; for example it uses the rendering techniques designed for 2D. We want to get rid of any illusions, known not only from Shrek and computer games, almost all spectacular scenes from Hollywood productions are due to 3D animation. 3D modeling is no easy task, but our specialists know exactly what Dark 3D, 3dsMax and Blender are. Through requests from our clients, Studio Pigeon models, renders and livens in 3D!

Ad agency

Ad agency

An agency that creates commercials and shoots advertising spots. Advertising agencies usually develop and work on marketing analysis, idea, text, image, script, brand hero, and tag lines. Later, with the co-operations of media houses, they plan advertisement placement in the media.

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

A basic program for creating and editing vector graphics, and thanks to it, all of our characters and places are created; useful illustrations for all of our animations.

No one should overestimate it, and in the hands of our graphics teams, it becomes a tool for creating new, virtual worlds. The program contains a wide array of tools that allow the creation of high precision vector graphics.

After effects

After effects

It's a program from the Adobe package used to animate pictures, create special effects, and design compositions, and is mainly used in 2D and 2.5D animations. The results of working with this program can be seen in movies as well as in TV productions. Animators from Pigeon Studio are quite familiar with it, and it is through it and other programs it that our productions come alive.

Animation studio

Animation studio

This is an organization, a place and people whose efforts and hard work rustles in the production of animated films. At the animation studio we create things such as explainer videos, commercials, product films, and promo films. We come up with ideas that later help us with the graphic programs we then change into images and put into motion.



A type of film, in which the image is created through drawing objects in a classical way or through the use of a computer. The sense of movement is created by displaying the given image and very quickly switching it for another. At Pigeon Studio we specialize in computer animation, and 2D, 2.5D and 3D techniques are not foreign to us.



Known also as a motion blur, it is an effect used in animation indicating an object's movement, it is also nothing but a streak left behind by a moving object.

You want an example? Look at the Road Runner, or rather at the blur, which is all that is left over. In the case of animation, a blur is created by a computer stimulation. Movement is our specialty. At Studio Pigeon we use it whenever we want the movement of our graphics to look as natural as possible.



A brochure sent to a client that contains a clearly described and visualized idea for the realization of a project.

In a booklet you will find a scenario, storyboard, concept art, schedule and estimate. The client receives all of this from us for free, even before he signs the contract. At Studio Pigeon we place a lot of emphasis on communication with the client. Therefore, a booklet is our quick answer to the received brief.



A collection of information from the client in which the direction of communication in a strategic advertisement is defined.

The client determines what he would like to see on the screen, what he likes, and what he would like to omit. The client also speaks shortly about his or her product. A brief is always a very valuable indicator for us, and thanks to it we know what is what.

Cinema 4D

Cinema 4D

This is a program used to create animations and three-dimensional films, as well as breathtaking visualizations. For example, its effects can be seen in the 3rd part of Spiderman. Our animators also have a kind of superhero power and via the help of Cinema 4D, they are able to create an additional dimension.



These are actions and processes, the goal of which is the promotion and presentation of various products, services, and companies to a wide array of recipients. Without an effective advertisement even the best things and services are left undiscovered by consumers. So how should you advertise?

There are many different ways. You can continuously brag about products, write poems about them, even articles, but who has time nowadays to actually read them? That's why at Studio Pigeon, next to promotion, we place emphasis on explanation: our explainer videos show the advantages of your product as well as describing its functionality in less than 56 seconds!




A very important process in postproduction that is based on the efficient and correct connection of image layers; it is well known that this is the basis of how something looks, although composing isn't just an esthetic factor. A good system ensures a clear message. At Pigeon Studio we have a very good eye for composing.

Concept Art

Concept Art

It's an illustration that has a light and schematic way of presenting an idea for a project.

We never know when the best idea will show up, as it always comes unexpectedly. At Studio Pigeon we understand this and the best ideas are quickly transferred to paper, and later thrown into Illustrator. Our clients are then able to take a look at it and provide their feedback.



To be put simply, it's the look of the object. The design creates esthetics in which the animation is to be made.

At Studio Pigeon, design is not only our job but also our passion. We carefully follow all of the current trends. Anyone can have designer gadgets, but for designer animation, reach out to Studio Pigeon.



Commonly known as publishing from behind the desk, it means designing a graphic on the computer, which is later meant to be printed.

DTP materials can be used for various promotional actions or other goals. The graphic designers from Studio Pigeon know all the secrets to prepare an image for printing. You don't always have to rush. We may sometimes be static, but not unstable.



This procedure is about cutting and gluing individual frames in order to ensure the continuity of the narrative. Editing has a very big influence on the final shape of the production. It is mostly done in the post-production stage of the film. Creative editing is our specialty!

Explainer video

Explainer video

It is a marketing tool, helping in the effective functional description and promotion of software, websites, mobile and web apps as well as products of all kinds. Explainer videos are very useful when it comes to start-ups. They are also used by more experienced companies with a few years behind them on the market. You have a good idea, but don't know how to explain it? In Studio Pigeon we specialize in explainers. We'll move heaven and earth to make our client happy. We tell a story. We present. We explain.

File formats

File formats

In IT language, this is the standard format of information in a file of the given type.

Our specialty is graphic, multimedia, text files, but we are open to anything that comes our way. Secret sounding shortcuts such as SWF, CSD, PNG or SVG aren't any secret to us.



This is a program for creating animation, in which vector graphics are used. Do you want to live in the limelight? Check us out. The animators from Studio Pigeon know it very well. They use it when there is a need for moving elements to appear on websites, portals and in applications. Flash Files are used for online advertising and presentations. There also websites that exist, fully based on Flash files.

Flat Design

Flat Design

This is a new, meaningful design trend, which lately has gotten pretty loud. Flat design is used often on touchscreen mobile devices. In Flat Design it's about getting rid of any unneeded fanciness, the emphasis is placed on readability and usability. At Studio Pigeon we design “flat” for the need of tablets and smartphones, as esthetics, minimalism and transparent graphics are very important to us.

Frame composing

Frame composing

This is the set-up and area plan of the elements images system.

A correct combination is an easy way to spread information in an easy, symbolic way. At Studio Pigeon we like systems and processes, after all, we know quite a bit about it! Want to take a look at it from our side? Check out the Studio Pigeon portfolio.

Frame formats

Frame formats

This is a way of presenting an image in one film frame.

Sometimes you have to bring something closer and other times you need to show it from a broader perspective. At Studio Pigeon we know exactly when it is worth it to look at something close up and when it's worthwhile to take a step back. We use frame formats when creating film and animation productions.

Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

He creates graphics and illustrations, used mainly with a commercial and informational aim. According to scientists, a species found under high stress, such as from overworking may be faced with death. Graphic designers at Studio Pigeon, with a good amount of humor and creativity, create illustrations which later come to life in our productions. Typography and printing is now hard for them. They know exactly how to efficiently pass on the wanted message through images and explain the functioning of the given product. Our ninja-designers don't have a list of things they can't draw and you can always use a symbol instead. No one knows when they sleep, eat or where they've come from. It is for sure that a major energy factor is charged by the happiness of a client.



This term refers to the graphical representation of data, information, and knowledge. Explanatory graphics put a great emphasis on the graphical explanation of information, passing on various ideas via images. It contains numeric data, graphs, and tables.

Instructional Video

Instructional Video

A specific kind of film which explains and describes how the product works. A moving image, the dynamic voice of a narrator and sometimes, a dose of humor; this is our recipe for an explanation. Animations from Studio Pigeon will help you get familiar with the application, show the functioning of the website, and introduce the use of a given device or product. Fast, dynamic, simple



The Start - the beginning of the film or animation. That what is most important should be shown at the beginning. The beginning is the fragment of the movie where there are intro credits where we find out who is the producer, scenarist, or producer and where the following cast is also presented. In regards to a series of films, they always look the same and are joined by the same music.



This is the most common method of careful selection and correction of photos and drawings made in Photoshop.

Correction, color change, transformation, zoom, and new aesthetics are no problem. Apparently, everyone wears a mask, but not everyone can wear it well. At Studio Pigeon masking is no challenge.



Motion graphics are used in films and animations to build the illusion of movement.

Motion design often involves a combination of audio and multimedia. Graphics in motion is what Studio Pigeon likes the most. Eventhough they do not have magical powers, our animators make illustrations come to life frequently using Adobe After Effect, with Motion Design, our graphics are - literally - amazing!



The ending - the closing scenes in videos or animations. Like the intro, always bearing the same music with credits at the end in which we learn about the composition of the crew and actors. In the case of animation series, outro and intro highlight the consistency of movies.



This term refers to software for creating master graphics. When creating an animation, it is used as an extra graphic tool, usually after Adobe Illustrator. Thank to this tool the background of our promo films have are deepened, and the further elements gain extra shading and characteristic graphic layers.



This refers to advertising and presentation in the market. In times of increasing competition, this is not such a simple matter. The advertising agency doubles and triples ideas of how to promote the product. At Studio Pigeon we have a certain method...

We tell stories based on the basic principles of storytelling: a story that stays in the memory of the recipient for a long time. We will present the business in an interesting and original way, explaining to a potential client or investor clearly and vividly how everything works. We are experts in this: for words, sound, images and movement.




A folder, album, or presentation, which contains a briefcase, works, productions or ideas of the artist, business, or agency. A portfolio is a form of self-promotion, advertising yourself or your business. It should contain information about the major achievements and projects realized so far. Look into the portfolio of Studio Pigeon, you will find varied and interesting examples of our projects.



This is a stage in the creation of film and video products. Post-production can begin when photos are already completed and the audio material is recorded. The aim is to create a final video production. It involves, among other things, adding subtitles, visual effects and sound recording post-synchronizations. Its' purpose is to prepare an issuable version of the film. At Studio Pigeon we know all the postproduction tricks and love challenges.



This refers to the ability to show a product, an idea or a topic in such a way as to explain its operation and functioning and to show its advantages and benefits. What is the best way to present something? By means of images, sounds, and words. Three in one; in a clear and accessible way. What to do so that it doesn't escape your memory? Create a narrative and a nice and pleasant-looking graphic. You need a presentation? Drop by Studio Pigeon.



A person who supervises the budget, the selection of staff and specialists, the process of film production, and provides equipment. This person keeps everything in check and in hand. Producers have a head for numbers and artistic concepts; they are sometimes called Terminators. The producer determines the responsibilities of the staff and decides which scenario is best. At Studio Pigeon, films and animations are created under the watchful eyes of talented producers.

Product video

Product video

This is a popular video-marketing tool. It shows a given product or service and presents its most important advantages. Through the help of image and sound enclosed in a few dozen seconds of animation, we encourage viewers to try your product on their own and convince them about its' advantages.

Project Manager

Project Manager

This person coordinates work on the project. In other words: a special agent, a one-man orchestra, a conductor with a baton, a Terminator. This person cares for the development and design of the project from the first moments of its duration until the return of the final version to the customer. At Studio Pigeon, Project Managers watch over the production of animation, inspire, correct, and maintain contact with the customer, but above all, they correctly advise on how to best communicate a message of interest using a movie image.

Promotional film

Promotional film

A specific type of short film, the aim of which is the promotion and presentation of a specific company. Used at fairs, showcases, festivals, conferences and business meetings, its aim is to advertise companies, brands, and services. At Studio Pigeon we know how to show the best sides of your company in an attractive way - in under one minute.



This term refers to the process of changing a brand's image by renewing elements of marketing communication. Rebranding many times connects to the changing of a company name characterized by its' graphics and logo, as well as changing the branding of all publications and company advertisements (TV and radio). Rebranding can also concern the product. Do you need a change? Graphic artists and copywriters at Studio Pigeon will show you in a new and better light.



This refers to a process that is based on adjusting the format of given information to the surroundings in which it is to be used.

Our animation productions are always subject to rendering. At Studio Pigeon we know that in order to render our creation, you just have to reach for 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, LightWave 3D, Blender, Mental Ray or V-ray. This mysterious process is necessary to complete animation production successfully.



A record containing instructions concerning the working of the program or application. Script is also the name for programs written in script languages that form inside the given application.

Script languages are often designed with the aim for an easier interaction with the user. At Studio Pigeon we create script applications as well as special graphics upon request. New media is an acquired art for us.




Otherwise called showcase or demo reel, it is a form of an electronic portfolio. Showreel serves as a representation of skills and the technical possibilities of the author: the producer or the animation studio or commercial. Showreel is the cause for the feeling of a good party, although one has to put in quite a lot of work for it to be attractive to the viewer and keep up an honest production. Would you like to see what we have been doing at Studio Pigeon over the last year? Watch our showreel. It's going to be a ride.

Sound design

Sound design

The art of sounds; this is a process of manufacturing audio elements. It is used in film production, TV, post-production, as well as the needs of video games and software. Sound design is based on the manipulation of existing soundtrack elements. At Studio Pigeon, sound designers have a large impact on the atmosphere within our productions. There's nothing odd about the fact that everything is always great on our side.

Sound mixing

Sound mixing

This means everything that we hear in films, animations, advertisements and games. It's sound synchronized with the picture. The soundtrack may contain one or all of the following: a music soundtrack, dubbing, narrator, and also special effects. At Studio Pigeon we make sure our productions have great sound as well as those that are heard of all over the world. We cooperate with a professional recording studio and have access to a wide base of Polish and foreign narrators. Good sound is the dot above the i in every production.

Start Up

Start Up

A young, developing company, often connected to the IT industry; it's characterized by the low costs of starting a business, the chance for a large profit, and also a large risk of things not working out. It is said that every time a tourist feeds a pigeon on the Krakow Square, somewhere out in the world, someone is opening a start-up. How to not get lost with your idea within the sea of others? The answer is an explainer video for start-ups, a specialty at Studio Pigeon.



In other words, it means scene descriptions or a visual story line that consists of a series of images and sketches, which are pointers for producers, stage designers, operators, actors and editors during work on film production. A storyboard is created by a special sketch artist known in the film and advertising world as a storyboardist. A storyboard can also be called a comic. This is also a great script filler. Would you like to see a storyboard created especially for an animated film? Check out Studio Pigeon!



Another word for narration and plot, a story created for the needs of production, and included in the scenario. At Studio Pigeon we make history. Each one is thought through and matches to the image of the given company and the information contained in the brief. Our clients can count on us with the expectation that their products won't be forgotten. Before they sign the contract, the will find examples of the scenario promoting their idea in the booklet.



This refers to an electronic technique of registering images. A long time ago, the prevalent form of video was in analog format, and anyone born in the 80s or 90s can have the pleasure of sharing the recording of their first birthday party on VHS. Currently, the prevalent format is digital. At Studio Pigeon we mix video with animation obtaining incredible effects.



This is a word from the printing field that marks the headline. In magazines it contains the title, main idea, number date and price. Very often there is a specifically designed graphic decorating the title page of a book or the end of a chapter. Many times, it may also be found on brochures. The printing experts at Studio Pigeon have all the skills of creating vignettes in one little finger.



A voice-over is called the off sound that belongs to film music. It is based on recording a stud track to any material. Voice-over is used in film, TV, radio advertisement and presentation production. At Studio Pigeon we know how a VO should sound. Image isn't always everything; sometimes a sound comment is also needed.

About the author

Pigeon Studio

Through motion, we translate brands, products, and ideas into captivating and impactful content.

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