
7 Reasons Why You Should Use Animation in Marketing

Marketing tips

Agnieszka Jania


5 minutes

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Companies spend $1 trillion on marketing globally. That's more than the total profits of the Fortune 500 companies -- this might be an unbelievable figure, but in today's saturated markets, if you want your products, services, and brands out there, you need an effective marketing strategy. 

But, contrary to popular belief, the key to successful marketing isn't a big budget, though it certainly helps. Effective targeting, research, creativity, and originality are all important keys to success.  

And if you want your ads to be creative and original, capturing both the attention and the imagination of potential clients, you need to consider using animations in marketing. From animated gifs to animated commercials, these are some of the best marketing tools out there, and they consistently offer excellent ROI. 

In this article, we'll go over the reasons why your company should consider using animation in marketing. Whether you're a small or big business, you can't afford bad marketing campaigns -- read on and learn why your marketing campaigns need animation.

#1 Stand Out From the Crowd

The average person sees tens to hundreds of ads every day. On billboards, on Spotify, on Netflix, and when browsing the web: Ads are all around us. To most of us, most ads have become indistinguishable white noise that we don't pay any attention to.  

If you want to overcome people's mental block and force them to pay attention to your ads, you need to create truly unique advertisements, and one of the best ways to do that is by using animations. 

With animated banners, videos, and gifs you'll have limitless freedom in how you craft the ads: the animation style, the transitions, the characters, the color schemes - these all can tell stories about your products and your brands. 

Not only that, but because the use of animation is relatively rare in ads and signifies quality, it will automatically draw people's attention. It is an excellent way to show you're not like the rest and increase brand awareness. 

It isn't just theoretical either: According to one study, “animation is more useful to convey information than other types in the user interface, such as, text, diagram and image”. Additionally, users are far more inclined to convert if they're met with high-quality animation than most other forms of ads. 

#2 Animation Marketing is Cost Effective 

The lack of a sizable budget is one of the greatest problems most small and medium-sized companies face when trying to start and expand their marketing campaigns. While text ads are relatively affordable, other types of ads can be relatively expensive, and this can be a big hurdle. 

On the other hand, animated video content is relatively affordable, and it has excellent ROI. You're not limited to video form as well, animated banners, loops, and gifs are all accessible and suitable for medium-sized marketing campaigns.

#3 Animated Videos Can be Easily Updated 

In this digital age, it's crucial to adapt to changes and constantly adapt your messaging and your ads to changing markets, customers, and environments. This is especially important if your company operates in a field that changes and develops rapidly like tech. It's crucial that you make sure your marketing materials aren't out of date. 

Here, animations have a clear and unbeatable advantage. Instead of reshooting the entire video, animations are significantly simpler and less expensive to edit if you want to tweak your messaging or aesthetics to appeal to a new audience. This makes your marketing campaign more agile and less expensive, giving you a clear edge over your competitors. 

honda civic 50th graphic

#4 The Use of Animation for Marketing Can Scale with Your Business

When crafting a successful marketing strategy, it should adapt and scale with your company. Your marketing campaigns need to be holistic with clear goals and throughlines. This is the key to building recognizable and trustworthy brands. 

With animations, you can easily scale its use with the size of your company and the budget you dedicate to advertising. You can start with a few, relatively inexpensive banners and then produce a short video. And after expanding your operations, you can create highly stylized 30-second videos for YouTube, TV, etc. You can't get this kind of scalability with other ad tools.

#5 Animations are Sharable and Can Go Viral 

87% of marketers claim that using animations increases traffic to their websites, according to a Wyzowl report. This is not just because animations grab people's attention, but creative and original animated ads are extremely sharable and even have the potential to go viral. 

Animated videos have the advantage of integrating easily with social media, which is an excellent way to reach the target audience for many types of businesses out there.  Not only do these types of ads have great ROI, but if it goes viral, it is completely free PR. 

Let's face it, you need people to talk about you, your products, and your services to increase brand recognition. Marketing animation videos can act as one cog in your marketing strategy machine to get your brand out there.

#6 An Excellent Way to Communicate Your Message

 Communicating what services you offer, what are your product's unique selling points, and why potential clients should care about your brand can be quite complicated. You might need to explain complex services or introduce unique innovations. 

Animations are an excellent way of distilling your message down to its most crucial and pertinent aspects when communicating your products and services. Use graphics to explain a procedure step-by-step or emphasize how your product can assist a customer. Live-action films and text ads simply don't have the same ability to communicate complex services and products. 

Think about the requirement to communicate statistics or other abstract information to a broad audience: it is much easier to do so with well-crafted animated explainer videos than live-action clips. With the help of accompanying graphics and graphs, professional animation helps you get your message across quickly, clearly, and economically, which makes your marketing campaigns more effective.

Frequently Asked Question 

Why is Animation Important in Marketing?

In marketing campaigns, you need a way to stand out, and make your products, services, and brands recognizable. Animations are an excellent way to stand out from the crowd, produce high-quality commercials and ads, and do all this without breaking the bank. 

Why is Animation Important in Digital Marketing?

The use of animation is important in digital marketing due to all the advantages it confers on you. They are an essential part of any successful medium to large marketing campaign, and they're an excellent tool to build your brand, introduce potential clients to your products, and get your services out there.  Animated content is particularly important if you want to target a younger audience. 

What is the Use of Animation in Business?

From animated explainer videos to brand animations, you have many ways to incorporate animation into your marketing campaign. This versatility allows businesses to fully leverage them in their strategies.  

About the author

Agnieszka Jania

Client Relations Specialist

Client Relations Specialist in Pigeon Studio - animation production company

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