
Commercial Video Production

The level of detail and commitment of the people from Pigeon Studio shows that they can do great things for the most critical players in the market.

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Case Studies

See how brands, products, ideas, and values turn in our hands into potent visual matter


Motion design
Spot reklamowy
Animacja postaci


Spot reklamowy

Świąteczna animacja i książka dla McDonald

Motion design
Spot reklamowy

Twój styl – majestatyczny. Twoja publiczność – zaangażowana. Twój cel – osiągnięty.

Myślisz o zanimowaniu swojej marki albo przekazu? Jesteśmy dla Ciebie! Użyj formularza — napisz, czego Ci trzeba

High-quality, effective advertisement is a key part of any marketing strategy. Our team at Pigeon Studio can deliver video ads of superb quality tailored to your needs and expectations. Thanks to our unparalleled level of commitment, attention to detail, and years of experience in commercial video production, our videos are second to none and can successfully boost your brand awareness among potential customers!

Why Should You Consider Animated Commercial Videos?

An animated commercial is a short video that conveys information about a product, service, or brand. It uses enchanting, animated characters with a captivating storyline and a catchy call to action to convince your target audience of the benefits your business brings.

Animated commercials normally start by addressing a problem and quickly move on to show that your team or product can solve it. Most often, brands use them in promotional campaigns on TV and social media platforms, such as Facebook or YouTube.

Video is one of the most effective ways to promote your products or services, as it has high engagement rates. A creative animated commercial video reaches your target audience and translates ideas into a compelling narrative.

Here at Pigeon Studio, we take great pride in the quality of our commercial video production projects. Take a look at some of the benefits you can expect from working with our video production company.

Creativity Helps Your Brand Stand Out

People are tired of promotional speeches and typical forms of advertising. They want something fresh and captivating. You can reveal your company's creativity, innovative solutions, and unique approach in animated video commercials in full. Our team at Pigeon Studio will help you with that.

Animated Commercials Provide Consistent Content Flow

In an animated video commercial, you can present all the information about your products and services consistently and explain the concept to the viewer step by step. Using TV, YouTube, or Facebook commercials is an effective means of communication and education that will help you create a continuous story behind your business.

Video Advertising Can Improve Your Brand’s Visibility Online

Short yet impactful promotional video content can boost your sales and generate leads. If you are thinking about conquering the digital world and having a strong presence online on different social media platforms (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Instagram), video marketing is something that has to be a part of your strategy.

Commercial Animation Is a Powerful Marketing Tool

It is a new and improved dimension of TV and digital advertising. Companies using animated video ads can expect better results in audience engagement, customer acquisition, and lead generation. Animation helps brands capture customers' attention and increases their loyalty.

Choose Professional Commercial Video Production Services!

As commercial video production and viewership are getting more and more popular, including such videos in your marketing strategy becomes a necessity. If you wish to learn more about our commercial and corporate video production services, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Create Video Ads Tailored to Your Target Audience and Communication Channels

Video marketing offers numerous possibilities, but remember that viewers have different expectations from different platforms and media channels, so even a very successful TV video ad may not be as effective on Facebook or YouTube. As a commercial video production company with years of experience and many successful video ads in our portfolio, we can help you find the type of voice and animation style that will best represent your brand.

Are you interested in adding animated commercial videos to your marketing strategy? Let's talk!

The Phases of Commercial Video Production

Pigeon Studio can deliver high-quality animated videos that will help you engage your audience. Our commercial video production typically follows a step-by-step process:


1. Kick-off call - we'll talk about your company's goals and the message you want to spread with our animation.

2. Writing the script.

3. Creating the storyboard.


1. The creation of illustrations that will be the base for the entire commercial video.

2. Producing animation and smooth transitions. optimization when it comes to both animation and sound.


1. Sound design - making sure your story is heard loud and clear.

2. Final optimization when it comes to both animation and sound.

If you have any questions regarding our commercial video productions, contact us directly. We'll be happy to explain everything to ensure our cooperation is a success.

Commercial Video Production - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Commercial Video Production?
What are the benefits of using Commercial Animation for marketing?
What do I need to do to get started with Commercial Video?
Why should I work with an Animated Video Production Company?
How much will my Commercial Video cost to make?
How long does it take to produce a Commercial Video?
How long should my Commercial Video be?
Will I have any input on the edit?
How much input do you need from me?
Do you provide scripts, or do I have to provide them?
How many rounds of amends do I get?
Is it possible to update my Commercial Video in the future?
What should a Commercial Video include?
What makes a Commercial Video effective?
What's the process of Commercial Video Production?
Can we have input into the creative process?
What kind of businesses do you work with?
How do you ensure the video aligns with our brand?
Do you have examples of past work that we can view?
Can you help us distribute the video once it's produced?
How can we measure the success of our Commercial Video?
Can you create videos in different languages or for different cultures?
Who owns the copyright in a Commercial Video Production?
What measures do you take for data security and confidentiality?